Minggu, 30 September 2012
Menghilangkan menu Log On Saat Masuk Windows XP
Cara Menghilangkan Menu Log On to Windows, Ya kali ini ane ingin share nih tentang cara menghilangkan menu login yang seringkali membuat kita malas dalam mengisi password windows :) untuk hal ini sebenernya juga dapat kita set secara otomatis, apakah kita ingin ada menu login nya atau tidak pada saat star up windows
Cara Menghilangkan Menu Log On to Windows
Jumat, 21 September 2012
Rabu, 19 September 2012
Convert Satuan di Excel
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari atau dilingkungan pendidikan seringkali kita dihadapkan pada persoalan convert suatu satuan tertentu ke satuan yang lain. Misalnya convert dari celcius menjadi Fahrenheit, dari Fahrenheit ke celcius atau ke Kelvin dan sebaliknya. Pada satuan volume zat cair, dari liter menjadi gallon dan sebaliknya dari gallon menjadi liter. Pada satuan berat sering pula kita dihadapkan untuk conversi dari gram ke ons atau pon ke gram, dan contoh lain pula mengenai jarak, conversi dari foot menjadi meter, inci menjadi yard dan lain sebagainya.
Selasa, 11 September 2012
Free Excel Password Remover 2012
For personal use only. Business users, go PRO
Excel Password Remover PRO
Have you ever forgotten your Excel workbook or sheet password?
Here you can download a FREE Excel add-in that removes/cracks sheet and workbook password protection in Excel®.
NB! This program can’t remove file protection, i.e. if you are unable to open the file, this program won’t help you.
For 97/2000/XP/2003-files I can recommend this one: Excel Password Recovery Lastic. You could also try Excel Key to remove file protection.
If you need to crack the VBA-password try this one, or try this one.
This Excel add-in (password.xla) works fine in Excel 5.0 and above (including Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 and 2010).
This program will remove passwords of any length, also passwords containing special characters.
Download here:
Excel 2007/2010 version: password_2007_2010.xlam (zipped: password_2007_2010.zip)
Previous Excel versions: password.xla (zipped: password.zip)
Atau bisa di download di sini
Sumber : http://www.straxx.com/free-excel-password-remover-2012/
Excel Password Remover PRO
Have you ever forgotten your Excel workbook or sheet password?
Here you can download a FREE Excel add-in that removes/cracks sheet and workbook password protection in Excel®.
NB! This program can’t remove file protection, i.e. if you are unable to open the file, this program won’t help you.
For 97/2000/XP/2003-files I can recommend this one: Excel Password Recovery Lastic. You could also try Excel Key to remove file protection.
If you need to crack the VBA-password try this one, or try this one.
This Excel add-in (password.xla) works fine in Excel 5.0 and above (including Excel 2000, XP, 2003, 2007 and 2010).
This program will remove passwords of any length, also passwords containing special characters.
Download here:
Excel 2007/2010 version: password_2007_2010.xlam (zipped: password_2007_2010.zip)
Previous Excel versions: password.xla (zipped: password.zip)
Atau bisa di download di sini
Sumber : http://www.straxx.com/free-excel-password-remover-2012/
Cara Menghitung Umur dengan Excel
contohnya :
Click gambar untuk Zoom |
Rumus yang di gunakan pada range H4 adalah :
=DATEDIF(C4;TODAY();"y")&" Tahun "&DATEDIF(C4;TODAY();"ym")&" Bulan "&DATEDIF(C4;TODAY();"md")&" Hari"
Download Filenya di Sini
Semoga bermanfaat buat temen2....
Sidik Abdullah
Minggu, 09 September 2012
cara membuata Multitouch
Sain and Tekno.
How To Make a Multitouch Surface
There are several ways to make a multitouch surface. There are capacitive, resistive, acoustic, and other non-traditional techniques. Our focus will be on optical techniques since they are the easiest and most cost effective for the average person to create. The most popular optical techniques are:Selasa, 04 September 2012
Pertamina Recruitment
Lowongan Pertamina Expired tgl 11 September 2012
Klik disini http://www.pertamina.com/index.php/detail/read/karir
Klik disini http://www.pertamina.com/index.php/detail/read/karir
Senin, 03 September 2012
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